Raňajky: musli, šalát s malom a chlebíčkami, syrový chlieb, keksíky a jogurt
Obed : zeleninový šalát so zemiakmi, francúzske zemiaky, alebo všetko čo máte radi
Večera : koláčiky, jogurt, chlebíčky s maslom a medom, chlieb a čerstvá zelenina, niečo nie veľmi kalorické a ľahké na žalúdok, hlavne bez cukru,pretože sa vám nebude spať podľa vašich predstáv :)
Eatting healthy? It doesn't mean to stop eatting chocolate bars,crips and traditional junk food. But it is much better to mix it with healthy and delicious food, I mean lettuce,potatoes, chicken,cheese... It looks delicious and colourful, it tastes delicious, so what 's the main problem? People are not creative enough to try it. To be honest I eat some chocolate bars every day,or chrisps, but my eatting is very healthy :) here I 'll show you which food is appropriate in this hot weather. Fresh,healthy,delicious, that is the food I love! What 's more , you won't be fat. And drinks, I don't care, it is necessary and everything is good! How do you eat these days Tips :
Breakfast : musli , salat with buter and bread, cheese and bread, cookies with yoghurt
Lunch : vegetable salat with potatoes, french potatoes, or simply everything is perfect
Dinner : cookies, youghurt, bread with butter and honey, bread with fresh vegetables, something not very caloric you know, and without sugar, because you will not sleep very well
Niečo, čo každý má rád
Something, what everyone likes
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