Každý niekedy vypáli náladou na najvyšší bod a jediné na čo myslí, je dobrá nálada a trošku zábavy. Na to je leto ! V tento krásny čas začínajú aj letné prázdniny, dovolenky a tancovanie po nociach či už zábava s priateľmi. Plávanie večer v bazéne pri vonkajších lampách a denné korčuľovanie v krátkych rukávoch, campingy a vychádzky nesmú chýbať! Hoci ešte nie sú prázdniny, ale slniečko sa v plnom prúde usmieva a ja mám dnes crazy náladu s crazy outfitom :)
Hey everyone! The summer is coming , and our mood is much crazier than before. Who would be sad in this beautiful time full of happiness, dancing at nights or just spending time with your friends? Our summer holiday are really near and my mood is really weird, I'm totally crazy ! Today I took some photos of my summer outfit ! Whereas it 's still school year, the sun is smiling at us , that's why I decided to wear something very short , honestly I can't stand really hot weather because aside from me, no one is as sweaty as me. And I simply hate it. What about you? Are you today in crazy mood? Enjoy your day and have fun!
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